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Plugged in


Plugged in is an online research lab that brings cross disciplinary artists together to reflect on their creative processes and develop new work through; exploring digital tools, long-distance collaborations and relationships between physical/digital mobility.


It is a strand of artist duo Site Sit’s on-going research project, Restless Practice, which explores the possibilities and limitations of site responsive practice, the sustainability of work patterns, and how a supportive ecosystem can function. The artists/researchers participating in this strand are Sam Carvosso, Fuji Hoffman, Teddy Hunter, and Marianne Vieulès. The project also works with Kultivera (Sweden) and g39 (Wales).


Pre-pandemic, this research had a different emphasis. Subtitled Artist as Map Maker, it aimed to examine how the physical restlessness afforded by digital technology, and project-to-project working, can be both a productive and exhausting choice. Developed in conversation with Kultivera, and set to occur across the Småland region of Sweden, this four week mobile residency would have made use of transport networks and public spaces; developed a system of bartering/exchange; and explored deep mapping through artistic practice.


For obvious reasons, this has been postponed.


Plugged in aims to create a bridge that reflects the global shift in priorities, while still acting as an introduction to Artist as Map Maker. With sessions to gain an understanding of the historic and ecological context of Småland, it is a space ripe for contradictions, miscommunication and assumptions. Triggering questions like what is the role of digital experience in site responsive practice? What are the limitations of ‘visiting’ places online? And, how can personal, home contexts, be woven together to form a Småland in our collective consciousness?


The research lab will also create a space for reflection, fostering conversations around the challenges, opportunities, and infrastructure that are/aren’t available to us, considering: how the tools we have access to in our homes aid or hinder creative practice; how we can sustain our disparate networks; and what happens when travel is not the solution to our restlessness?


See Programme for more information.


You can follow research updates, and information about public moments here:

@site_sit, @kultivera_tranas, @g39cardiff, and @g39warp


Site Sit are always looking for new collaborations, contributions, and tangents of this research, so if you would like to be involved, have any questions, or resources you’d like to share, please email or follow us on instagram.

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Ett kulturellt nätverk i nära samarbete med:
Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan, Kulturrådet, Litteraturcentrum-Kvu, Spegel, Tranås Kommun, Region Jönköpings län. 

© 2024 by Kultivera

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