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Fergus Byrne

Fergus Byrne

Fergus Byrne is a member of the Visual Arts Centre based in Dublin, Ireland. His practice is multidisciplinary and has been funded by The Arts Council of Ireland. He holds a BA in Fine Art from NCAD and an MA in Theatre and Contemporary Practice from Hull University. He performs mostly solo work and occasionally in group projects. Interests are in drawing, writing, dance improvisation and sculpture.Recent work has been  with Bbeyond at  Actus III, Brussels and PAErsche projects in Germany,   Self Made curated by Unit 1, The Infinite Line [a search for the unknown] curated by Sophie Behal and Maeve Lynch at Tactic, Galway Dance Days Corp-Real Symposium.He participated in Weave, an improvisatory experimental residency in Brussels, in Oct 2012. From 2010 – 12 he  curated with Deirdre Murphy the annual performance event ‘Transversal’ at different locations in Dublin and in 2013 curated ‘Generation’ a day of  performance at The Dock, Carrick on Shannon.


Dance Ignition Lab: Tranås 2014

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