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Paul Creane

Paul Creane

Paul Creane is a songwriter hailing from Wexford, Ireland. He has released two albums to critical acclaim over the past five years (“The Twelve Days Of Lucy” & “The Clock”) and has toured worldwide for the last decade In the US, Australia, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands and his native Ireland.

He has had two singles appear as finalists in the prestigious International Songwriting Competition (“All For You Baby” & “In Lieu Of You”) and has a starring role in the recently released Irish movie “Staid,” for which he also composed the soundtrack.

He will be releasing his upcoming EP “Spring Easy” in 2016, which includes his most recent single “She’s A Flag. I’m A Soldier. We Are A Country,” also featured on the “Staid” soundtrack. He is also currently working on his first solo album, entitled “One Trick Blue.”

Paul Creane’s homepage 

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